Posts Tagged ‘yatala’

Happy Easter everyone. Wasn’t the weather fantastic! Our guests made the most of the weather visiting the Sunshine Coast, Ipswich, Brisbane, theme parks and even an evening swim in the netted area in south Moreton Bay at Jacobs Well.

We may have been slow hanging the BBQ but it went into overtime very quickly. We burn it in the first day then the next day we got the fires burning under the bbq plate and billy. It is quite an art pouring the billy, but once mastered what a great cuppa. Fortunately no-one was home when Murray had his record selection playing.

By the time everyone arrived with their selection for the BBQ I had some 70s disco playing. Seems we may need to build a bigger dance hall.

We fired up the BBQ again for brekky. I think the eggs came straight from the chickens! There is nothing like cooking toast on an open fire, especially on our ‘LIN’ toaster. After a quick brekky and chat, couple of hours, everyone headed off for their day. North, South and West. Some all the way to Sydney for a day’s work the next day.

Thank you everyone for staying and those that didn’t we hope your Easter was enjoyable and as memorable as ours.

Some visitors came and said hello yesterday.


I liked them as they spoke to me and it was not a bark. The dogs are normally noisy.


Looked very inviting yesterday afternoon.

I have been at Albert River B&B a few times over the last few weeks having coffee and talking about what information should go on the new website and how to setup some new photos. Sue and Murray say they like it exactly the way it is and comments like “It is our paradise as it is so why should we change it?” and “We don’t want to false advertise by making it look like any other place”.

During my visits I was surprised by rabbits running across the road right near the driveway. These rabbits are not running away but going from one side to the other to get different grass. They do not seem afraid that a car is coming at them, they just move as they see fit. The thirty odd geese at Albert River B&B are the same. They spend most of the day foraging and then walk in a single line across the road to the neighbours for an hour or two. Then they walk back. The wallabies are a law on to themselves and move through the area as they want.

The sunrise comes early bringing all sorts of birdlife. The sunsets are something everyone has to see. The night sky is full of stars even though this place is 30 minutes from Surfers Paradise and about the same from Brisbane. You might as well be in a secluded valley in the nearby Hinterlands.

The roads leading to Albert River B&B takes five or so minutes from the main highway to travel, so there is no major slog to get here. You go from 110Klm an hour to beer, wine and relaxation in maybe seven minutes once you take the turnoff.

Now I have a question for you. What would you say is the reason you enjoyed your stay at Albert River B&B? What do you remember about it? What did you say to friends and family about your time? Sue and Murray want to tell people about their Paradise. They would rather have words from visitors rather than a marketing guy. Leave a comment here or on Facebook and help them out. It will make my job easier too.


What would be better is not being able to see the Albert River because of heavy rain. We have spent the week cleaning out our dry dams in preparation for the rains to come.

Albert Sunset

Fortunately for our house full of guests the rains didn’t come on Saturday. They all came home dry and dusty from their big day out at the ‘red hot summer tour’. Featuring rock and rolls best, Jacobs Well came alive with people from far and wide.

After a breakfast of pancakes on the verandah everyone headed north. And no, not all parties were together.

I haven’t heard who made it to Biloela first! Probably the Jeep. Nor have I heard how awesome my pancakes were…..come on guys…. I know you are reading this!

With much help from our family, friends and tradies we have been putting extensions onto our home.Our home was comfortable and cosy as it was, now it is even better. 

Offering more places to kick back and relax.

Reverse cycle air conditioners add to the comfort level. Recliner chairs make reading or just sitting back taking in the view very peaceful.

With all the rain we have had the plants are thriving. Fortunately for us we experienced no flooding.

Now the weather is getting cooler we are hoping to catch a bream or two off the pontoon.

Book now for a relaxing weekend away. 

The next update will be sooner, I promise! Just as soon as I learn how to drive the computer better.

Contact Us!

Phone- 07 3807 7550

Mobile- 0418 463 900

Our News
July 2024