I send a huge THANK YOU to Rochelle and Andrew. I am sitting in a sunny spot on our verandah away from the cold wind drinking a steaming hot cup of coffee whilst poor Murray is frozen to the core near Gundagai. I hear you asking why the thank you. They kindly delivered Murray toasted sandwiches, lasagne, cookies, hot coffee, jackets, sleeping bags and the all-important beanie.

We had the pleasure of having Rochelle and Andrew, Bob and Vicki stay with us many years ago. They said to call in for a cuppa if we are ever down Gundagai way. I didn’t think we should call in at midnight so I waited until the next morning. The truth of that is, I didn’t hear Murray’s phone call at midnight whilst I was warmly sleeping. I thought he was on his way, but he wasn’t as I found out at 7am.

I suppose you are wondering why Murray is in Gundagai? Not so way back we also had the pleasure of meeting Mick and Leanne when they came to stay. Mick offered Murray a job helping him out driving. Tragically Mick died, robbing the world of a one of the nicest people I have met. Micks son Matt has taken up the reins and keeping the business going, honouring his father’s work. Murray went to Albury to pick up the truck that Mick had got for him to drive.

Murray picked the truck up off Micks mate Barney, they had a bit of a yarn and no doubt kicked some tyres and Murray headed off. He only made it up the road a way before a computer problem stopped him. Now in the good old days, wouldn’t a spanner have just fixed it? Barney drove many hours to get to Murray and they thought they had fixed it but as I found out at 7am when I woke up, they hadn’t.

We meet some wonderful people who stay with us in our B&B and our lives are richer for it. The thank you is to all our guests for being part of our life. The bigger thank you for today is to Rochelle and Andrew for the hot cuppa, even if it did blow off the fuel tank. And to Barney and Matt for going above and beyond for helping Murray. Matt and Barney can’t stop apologising, which is not necessary. Leanne and I reckon Mick is looking down laughing at all the shemozzle; after all, didn’t Murray look at a map where he was going! Of course it’s cold there. The sooner that prime mover is North to our sunshine the better!

Anyone travelling to Gundagai please let me know so we can kindly return the mountain of warm stuff loaned to Murray!

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